Barcelona is echt een internationale stad, gastvrij werknemers van over de hele wereld. Vele expats werken binnen de horeca, in bars of restaurants in de toeristische gebieden, of de grotere hotels in de stad. Andere expats besluiten te zetten in het bedrijfsleven zelf, aanbieden van huishoudelijke diensten zoals sanitair of bouw, of andere diensten zoals de kapper of hond wandelen.
Er zijn ook veel banen voor Dutch teachers in ofwel de internationale scholen in en rond Barcelona, of de vele privé-taalscholen. Onderwijs banen binnen het systeem staat zijn moeilijk te krijgen als gevolg van de ingewikkelde oposiciones examen systeem dat worden genavigeerd moet voordat zij in staat om elke openbare baan veilig te stellen. Een kennis van Catalaans is ook een vereiste voor een openbare dienst of openbare onderwijs baan.
Er een aantal wervingsbureaus in Barcelona, sommige van hen die gespecialiseerd zijn in internationale en meertalige dergelijke banen als wereldwijd Headhunters ( of Talent Search People met kantoren op Consell de Cent, 47 of Arago, 346 (
Tijdelijke agentschappen mogelijk ook kundig voor vondst u tijdelijk werk gaande om het even wat van een dag tot zes maanden. De grote namen kunnen worden gevonden in de stad zoals mankracht op Arago, 277 ( en mensen op Marina, 138 (
Banen kunnen ook worden gevonden in Engels taal tijdschriften Barcelona Connect The Metropolitan, alsmede de zondageditie van de krant La Vanguardia.
Job online zoekopdrachten zijn steeds populairder met de belangrijkste online vacatures weergeven van sites op
Zodra een baan wordt beveiligd, moeten alle contracten worden geregistreerd bij INEM, de regering-run werkgelegenheid centra die in alle Spaanse steden en steden. Baan jagers kunt bezoeken de centra om vacatures, een selectie van die kan ook worden gezien, en die kunnen ook worden bekeken in het Engels weer te geven. De website geeft ook informatie over Spaanse arbeidsrecht en eisen, en informatie over beweert werkloosheidsuitkeringen.
The Tyler Group outlines the location for a local Barcelona tourist office in the city and gives you a little information on how each office can help you.
There are 5 main Barcelona Tourist board offices in the city. There are also some other minor offices e.g. in Barcelona Sants station but the main ones are covered below.
Main Barcelona tourist office in (or rather under) Plaça Catalunya Square
Barcelona tourist office at Catalunya square central Barcelona
Metro: Catalunya (Green Line, L3) and (Red Line, L1)
Address: Plaça de Catalunya, 17
08002 Barcelona, España
Open: 08:30 – 20:30
Closed: 01 January and 25 December
Tel: +34 93 285 3834
Services. This office is the main tourist board office in Barcelona and can help you with many essentials e.g. finding accommodation, booking the Barcelona Bus Turistic (open air bus tour), city maps, bus and transport information and other general tourist information questions. This Barcelona tourist info office also has a gift shop with an extensive range of quality souvenirs for your visit to Barcelona.
The Tyler Group TIP
Tourists often have difficulties finding the Catalunya tourist office – even though it’s the biggest tourist office in Barcelona and it’s on the busiest square in Barcelona. Why? Because it’s actually underground! The way to find it is first to find the El Cortes Ingles (the large shopping complex) the tourist office is close but actually under the Catalunya Square near the fountain. Look for the large pillars with an ” I ” at the top. These pillars are just outside the tourist office. There are two entrances to the Barcelona tourist office – each pillar marks an entrance.
Columbus Monument Tourist Office
Address: Pl. Portal de la Pau (near the Columbus monument)
Metro: Drassanes (Green Line, L3)
Open: 08:30 – 19:30
Closed: 01 January and 25 December
Not as comprehensive a service as the other 2 main Barcelona tourist information offices given above. Mainly supplying leaflets, port information and information on cultural attractions. Barcelona Bus Turistic and Barcelona card enquiries can also be made here however they do not provide an accommodation booking service unlike the other two offices above.
Barcelona Tourist Office – Cultural events in Barcelona (Oficina d’ informacio cultural)
Address: Las Ramblas, 99 08002 Barcelona, España
Metro: Liceu (Green Line, L3)
Tel: +34 93 316 1000
Open: Monday – Sunday: 10:00 – 20:00
This Barcelona tourist board office is somewhat different from the others. It does not offer any advice on accommodation, tourist attractions or tours. Its sole purpose is to provide you with comprehensive information on Barcelona Cultural activities. If you attempt to ask them questions on anything other than cultural activities and events they will direct you to the Catalunya tourist office which is the nearest main tourist board office from them.
Barcelona Airport Tourist Office Information
There are two Catalunya Tourist information offices at Barcelona airport. They are situated at T1 and T2B. They deal with all general tourist information questions.
Airport Terminals T1 and T2B Tourist offices
Open: 09:00 – 21:00
Closed: 25 December and 01 January
Tourist Office for the Regional Government of Catalonia
Aeropuerto de Barcelona
El Prat de Llobregat
Barcelona, España
Telephone numbers:
Terminal 1: +34 93 378 8175
Terminal 2B: +34 93 378 8149
In addition to the standard tourist and cultural information these offices can also advise you on the transport connections from Barcelona Airport to both the city centre and other destinations close to Barcelona.
BP America, Inc. announced today it will donate $1 million to support disaster relief efforts in Louisiana and Mississippi following Hurricane Isaac.
The donation will be made to the American Red Cross and The Salvation Army and divided equally between the two hardest-hit states.
“This assistance cannot fix all that has been broken by this natural disaster, but we hope it can help some of those in need today and contribute to a sustained recovery effort in the months ahead,” said Crystal E. Ashby, Executive Vice President of Government and Public Affairs for BP America.
The storm forced BP to evacuate workers from offshore platforms and drilling rigs in the Gulf of Mexico, as well as from onshore facilities in south Louisiana and Mississippi, where hundreds of BP employees live.
Separate from this donation, BP is also providing assistance to our employees and their families in the region.
BP announced today that it is beginning the next stage in the process, required under the TNK-BP shareholder agreement, regarding the potential sale of its shareholding in TNK-BP.
This follows the decision of Alfa Access-Renova to exercise its right to enter a period of negotiation to purchase part/ all of BP’s 50 per cent share in TNK-BP. As a result BP will tomorrow enter into a 90-day period of “good faith” negotiations with Alfa Access-Renova as required by the TNK-BP shareholder agreement.
BP is also able to and will enter into negotiations with other interested parties in parallel for the sale of its share in TNK-BP.
There can be no guarantee that any transaction will take place.
A further announcement will be made when and if appropriate.
Notes to editors:
TNK-BP is a leading Russian oil company, owned equally by BP and Alfa Access Renova. The company was formed in 2003 as the result of the merger of BP’s Russian oil and gas assets and the oil and gas assets of Alfa Access Renova.
TNK-BP is vertically integrated with a diversified upstream and downstream portfolio in Russia and Ukraine and international interests in Brazil, Venezuela and Vietnam.
Facebook har förändrat världen. Sätt på vilket vi sammanställa och sprida information som en kultur slutgiltigt har ändrats. Mark kan fortsätta att förändra världen till bättre även efter stegning åt sidan och låta en ny VD att hedra hans feduciary ansvar för hans lager innehavare. Ny VD kan räkna ut diskreta sätt att tjäna pengar på de data som vi har alla lämnat honom.
LA Times noterar att Mr. Zuckerberg har visat sin ålder och oerfarenhet under sitt företags hantering ta företaget offentliga:
“Zuckerbergs likgiltighet till traditionella företagens etikettregler — han bar gymnastikskor och hans varumärke hoodie för Facebooks första stora investerare möte – ses som respektlöst i företagsvärlden han behöver vinna över.
“Hans beteende är vad jag skulle förvänta sig av någon sin ålder – luvtröjar och allt annat,” sade Chris Whalen, senior verkställande direktör vid tangens Capital Partners i New York. “Han försöker att vädja till sin publik istället för att vara ansvarig för sina investerare. Hans uppgift är nu att köra företaget.”
Medan när det gäller har Sheryl Sandberg CNN Money citerats som säger:Före landning jobbet på Facebook, Sandberg var stabschef för Treasury Department och blev en högsta verkställande på Google (GOOG, Fortune 500). Hon sitter för närvarande i styrelsen för The Walt Disney Company (DIS, Fortune 500) och flera ideella organisationer.
Zuckerberg rekryterade henne för att få ordning till hans snabbt växande men ibland kaotisk företag. Hon betraktas allmänt som hans högra kvinna, kör Facebook’s corporate och försäljning verksamhet medan Zuckerberg fokuserar på produktutveckling.Jag anser att för att kunna fortsätta växa Mark Zuckerberg bör avgå och tillåta Sandberg att köra Facebook. Det finns så många sätt att blysänken tjäna pengar alternativ som är nästan oändliga:Till exempel: jag ser inget fel med laddning företag att ha en Facebook-sida. Inte heller kan jag se något fel med avgifter för vissa tjänster för användarna. Han kan förlora vissa användare – men han har nästan en MILJARD människor i nätverket. Det tycker det skulle vara OK, och hålla Facebook beståndet kommer – gör det möjligt för honom att fortsätta att förnya sig på andra sätt.
Bradley summan upp hur Facebook för närvarande gör pengar: reklam, Facebook fick 85% CPC- eller CPM. Annonsörer älskar möjligheten att mål som grundar sig på den detaljerade och omfattande information som vi ger till Facebook med bara bedriver plattform (vår gillar, vår utbildning, våra geografi etc). Futhermore, Facebook infört bara mobil enda produkt om du vill aktivera användare och ett antal företag visa annonser på användare mobila enheter. Detta kan endast visa sig vara oerhört kraftfulla som mobila användare växer bensinskatterna. Och så med dessa partnerskap har nått 15% mestadels Zynga. Medan Zynga massor av värme för att lägga till svimma av Facebook bestånd kan krediteras för att hjälpa dem att diversifiera sina inkomster ström mest. Facebook är i själva verket redan mer diversifierad än Google enligt med dataströmmen inkomster utanför ren reklam dollar. Enda haken är att det gör Facebook v-e-r-y beroende av Zynga. Den värsta catch22 av alla. Facebook får en nedskärning av alla inkomster som Zynga gör på det sociala nätverket. De dumpa också en hel del intäkter tillbaka till Facebook för att generera de användare som är beroende av deras spel som Farmville.
WATCH VIDEO:öjar-översta-skäl-varför-Mark-Zuckerberg-måste-avgå-som-CEO
Bradley spoken with thousands of men and women about their finances, after a while, patterns emerge in differences between the genders with regards to money. This includes how they viewed money, how they managed money, and most of all how they wanted to learn about money.
It might be taking too many conclusions based on these experiences, but then Bradley Associates came across a recent study on the gender gap in financial literacy that supports the following findings.
A study from Financial Finesse found that a company that provides workplace financial wellness services, women are falling behind men in several areas of financial planning. This gap is noticeably growing with regards to paying off debt, arming an emergency fund with a few months’ living expenses, and having basic stock, bond, and mutual fund knowledge. This basically implies that there is no gender gap with respect to longer-term planning. It is the fundamentals of financial management where women are coming up shortly. Let’s take the statements below for you to understand why.
• Women want peace of mind: For women, financial peace of mind is the ultimate personal finance goal. Women want a secure and sound financial future for themselves and their families, and they view their investments as a way to support and protect their loved ones. Surveys — and my personal experiences as a financial advisor — show men are typically more interested in wealth accumulation.
• Women want time to research their options: Women are deliberate decision-makers and take their time doing research. Women prefer gathering information from a vast group of experts before taking action and initiating a plan. Women also prefer thinking through and planning for “devil’s advocate” and “what if” scenarios to help protect them against the unexpected.
• Women want an ally, not a bossy know-it-all: Education, collaboration, and patience are critically important to women. If a woman feels condescended to or the environment does not foster question-asking, then she’ll disengage from the dialogue. A woman needs to feel the financial educator is an empowering ally, not a rival. Whereas men typically want the facts and information to make investing decisions on their own, women prefer a collaborative, nurturing environment.
Here’s how you can take matters into your own hands.
•Educate yourself.Look for an investing class at a local community center or college. Many of them are free or very low cost. Join an investment club. Ask your daughter, sister, mother, or friend to attend with you. Have fun with it.
•Make the most of the savings tools available to you at your workplace or if you are self-employed.
•If your spouse or partner handles the money, call a family finance meeting. Ask that individual to teach you what s/he does. Find out how the budget looks, bills are paid, household cash is managed, and investments are monitored. After you understand, take your turn. You don’t have to do it forever, but you should know how. You may even enjoy it and improve your family’s finances.
•If you choose to get professional financial help, interview prospective financial advisors. If the advisor won’t take the time to listen, get to know your needs, and explain concepts to you clearly and simply, then feel free to walk out and don’t look back. Find an advisor who speaks your language at your pace.
Bradley spoken with thousands of men and women about their finances, after a while, patterns emerge in differences between the genders with regards to money. This includes how they viewed money, how they managed money, and most of all how they wanted to learn about money.
It might be taking too many conclusions based on these experiences, but then Bradley Associates came across a recent study on the gender gap in financial literacy that supports the following findings.
A study from Financial Finesse found that a company that provides workplace financial wellness services, women are falling behind men in several areas of financial planning. This gap is noticeably growing with regards to paying off debt, arming an emergency fund with a few months’ living expenses, and having basic stock, bond, and mutual fund knowledge. This basically implies that there is no gender gap with respect to longer-term planning. It is the fundamentals of financial management where women are coming up shortly. Let’s take the statements below for you to understand why.
• Women want peace of mind: For women, financial peace of mind is the ultimate personal finance goal. Women want a secure and sound financial future for themselves and their families, and they view their investments as a way to support and protect their loved ones. Surveys — and my personal experiences as a financial advisor — show men are typically more interested in wealth accumulation.
• Women want time to research their options: Women are deliberate decision-makers and take their time doing research. Women prefer gathering information from a vast group of experts before taking action and initiating a plan. Women also prefer thinking through and planning for “devil’s advocate” and “what if” scenarios to help protect them against the unexpected.
• Women want an ally, not a bossy know-it-all: Education, collaboration, and patience are critically important to women. If a woman feels condescended to or the environment does not foster question-asking, then she’ll disengage from the dialogue. A woman needs to feel the financial educator is an empowering ally, not a rival. Whereas men typically want the facts and information to make investing decisions on their own, women prefer a collaborative, nurturing environment.
Here’s how you can take matters into your own hands.
•Educate yourself.Look for an investing class at a local community center or college. Many of them are free or very low cost. Join an investment club. Ask your daughter, sister, mother, or friend to attend with you. Have fun with it.
•Make the most of the savings tools available to you at your workplace or if you are self-employed.
•If your spouse or partner handles the money, call a family finance meeting. Ask that individual to teach you what s/he does. Find out how the budget looks, bills are paid, household cash is managed, and investments are monitored. After you understand, take your turn. You don’t have to do it forever, but you should know how. You may even enjoy it and improve your family’s finances.
•If you choose to get professional financial help, interview prospective financial advisors. If the advisor won’t take the time to listen, get to know your needs, and explain concepts to you clearly and simply, then feel free to walk out and don’t look back. Find an advisor who speaks your language at your pace.
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